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Version 3

Breaking Changes

  • Agent specific fields are no longer top level-keys, but instead nested under the required agent field.
  • There are now four top-level keys: version, agent, endpoints, and tunnels.
  • tunnels are deprecated in favor of endpoints.
version: 3
authtoken: 4nq9771bPxe8ctg7LKr_2ClH7Y15Zqe4bWLWF9p
# add nested "Agent Configuration" fields here
# ...
endpoints: ...
tunnels: # deprecated

For a complete list of nested agent fields, check out agent configuration.

Example Configuration Files

Below are a collection of different agent configurations to serve as examples for your ngrok.yml file. The next section explains how to start some or all of your configured endpoints from the CLI.


version: 3
authtoken: 4nq9771bPxe8ctg7LKr_2ClH7Y15Zqe4bWLWF9p
- name: basic
url: 8080

Multiple endpoints

version: 3
authtoken: 4nq9771bPxe8ctg7LKr_2ClH7Y15Zqe4bWLWF9p
- name: foo
description: foo123
metadata: foo123
url: 8080
protocol: http1
- name: bar
url: 8080

Endpoint with an traffic policy (inline)

version: 3
authtoken: 4nq9771bPxe8ctg7LKr_2ClH7Y15Zqe4bWLWF9p
- name: foo
description: foo123
metadata: foo123
- actions:
- type: custom-response
status_code: 200
content: hello, traffic policy!
content-type: text/plain
url: 8080
protocol: http1

Endpoint with a traffic policy (file path)

version: 3
authtoken: 4nq9771bPxe8ctg7LKr_2ClH7Y15Zqe4bWLWF9p
- name: bar
traffic_policy_file: /path/to/your/traffic-policy.yml
url: 8080
protocol: http2

Endpoint configurations

Looking for Tunnel configurations?

Tunnel configurations are still supported in the new Version 3 configuration file format. However, they're being deprecated in favor of endpoints, which provide a simpler and more powerful way of managing ingress. If you wish to see documentation on how to enable and configure tunnels, refer to the version 2 tunnel configuration section.

The most common use of the configuration file is to define endpoint configurations. Defining endpoint configurations is useful because you may then start pre-configured endpoints by name from your command line without remembering all of the right arguments every time. You may also use this method to start as many endpoints as you like from a single ngrok agent.

Endpoints are defined as mapping of name -> configuration under the endpoints property in your configuration file.

Define two endpoints named 'httpbin' and 'demo'
- name: httpbin
url: 8080
- name: demo
url: 8181
Start the endpoint named 'httpbin'
ngrok start httpbin

Each endpoint you define is a map of configuration option names to values. The name of a configuration option is usually the same as its corresponding command line switch with hyphens.


  • --description becomes description
  • --url becomes url

All endpoints must define a specific url that tells the agent where to send the traffic. Other properties are available and many are protocol-specific.

Start all endpoints defined in the configuration file
ngrok start --all

You can configure a single ngrok agent to start multiple endpoints to different services within a single agent session.

Common Endpoint Configuration Properties
urlrequiredforward traffic to this network address. This can be a domain, an origin, or a scheme shorthand https://
metadataOptionalarbitrary user-defined metadata that will appear in the ngrok service API when listing endpoint sessions
descriptionOptionalarbitrary user-defined description about this endpoint that will appear in the ngrok service API when listing endpoint sessions

HTTP Configuration

circuit_breakerFloatReject requests when 5XX responses exceed this ratio
compressiontrue, falsegzip compress HTTP responses from your web service
urlAny valid domain or hostname that you have previously registered with ngrok.The domain to request. If using a custom domain, this requires registering in the ngrok dashboard and setting a DNS CNAME value. When using wildcard domains you will need to surround the value with single quotes (domain: '*').
inspecttrue, falseenable/disable the http request inspection in the web and agent API (default: true)
ip_restriction.allow_cidrsArray of CIDRsRejects connections that do not match the given CIDRs
ip_restriction.deny_cidrsArray of CIDRsRejects connections that match the given CIDRs and allows all other CIDRs.
mutual_tls_casValid system pathThe path to the TLS certificate authority to verify client certs in mutual TLS
oauth.allow_domainsArray of StringsAllow only OAuth2 users with these email domains
oauth.allow_emailsArray of StringsAllow only OAuth users with these emails
oauth.oauth_scopesArray of StringsRequest these OAuth2 scopes when a user authenticates
oauth.providerStringenforce authentication OAuth2 provider on the endpoint, e.g. 'google'. For a lit of available providers, see OAuth2 providers.
policy.inbound.nameStringpolicy has been renamed to traffic_policy in agent version 3.14.0.
policy.inbound.expressionsArray of Stringspolicy has been renamed to traffic_policy in agent version 3.14.0.
policy.inbound.actions.typeStringpolicy has been renamed to traffic_policy in agent version 3.14.0.
policy.inbound.actions.configcustompolicy has been renamed to traffic_policy in agent version 3.14.0.
policy.outbound.nameStringpolicy has been renamed to traffic_policy in agent version 3.14.0.
policy.outbound.expressionsArray of Stringspolicy has been renamed to traffic_policy in agent version 3.14.0.
policy.outbound.actions.typeStringpolicy has been renamed to traffic_policy in agent version 3.14.0.
policy.outbound.actions.configcustompolicy has been renamed to traffic_policy in agent version 3.14.0.
protohttpThe endpoint protocol name. This defines the type of endpoint you would like to start.
proxy_protocolStringThe version of PROXY protocol to use with this endpoint, empty if not using. Example values are 1 or 2.
request_header.addArray of key:value StringsThe headers to add to the request in the key:value format.
request_header.removeArray of StringsThe header keys to remove from the request.
response_header.addArray of StringsThe headers to add to the response in the key:value format.
response_header.removeArray of StringsThe header keys to remove from the response.
traffic_policy.inbound.nameStringThe name of an inbound rule that is part of a traffic policy
traffic_policy.inbound.expressionsArray of StringsExpressions written using CEL that filter traffic the inbound policy rule applies to
traffic_policy.inbound.actions.typeStringThe type of action that should be executed when this inbound policy rule is activated
traffic_policy.inbound.actions.configcustomThe configuration required for the specific type of action specified
traffic_policy.outbound.nameStringThe name of an outbound rule that is part of a traffic policy
traffic_policy.outbound.expressionsArray of StringsExpressions written using CEL that filter traffic the outbound policy rule applies to
traffic_policy.outbound.actions.typeStringThe type of action that should be executed when this outbound policy rule is activated
traffic_policy.outbound.actions.configcustomThe configuration required for the specific type of action specified
user_agent_filter.allowArray of StringsAllows User-Agents that match against these RE2 Regular Expressions
user_agent_filter.denyArray of StringsDenies User-Agents that match against these RE2 Regular Expressions
verify_webhook.providerStringVerify webhooks are signed by this provider, e.g. 'slack'. For a full list of providers, see Webhook Verification Providers.
verify_webhook.secretStringThe secret used by provider to sign webhooks, if there is one
websocket_tcp_convertertrue, falseConvert ingress websocket connections to TCP upstream

TCP Configuration

ip_restriction.allow_cidrsArray of CIDRsRejects connections that do not match the given CIDRs
ip_restriction.deny_cidrsArray of CIDRsRejects connections that match the given CIDRs and allows all other CIDRs.
policy.inbound.nameStringpolicy has been renamed to traffic_policy in agent version 3.14.0.
policy.inbound.expressionsArray of Stringspolicy has been renamed to traffic_policy in agent version 3.14.0.
policy.inbound.actions.typeStringpolicy has been renamed to traffic_policy in agent version 3.14.0.
policy.inbound.actions.configcustompolicy has been renamed to traffic_policy in agent version 3.14.0.
policy.outbound.nameStringpolicy has been renamed to traffic_policy in agent version 3.14.0.
policy.outbound.expressionsArray of Stringspolicy has been renamed to traffic_policy in agent version 3.14.0.
policy.outbound.actions.typeStringpolicy has been renamed to traffic_policy in agent version 3.14.0.
policy.outbound.actions.configcustompolicy has been renamed to traffic_policy in agent version 3.14.0.
prototcpThe endpoint protocol name. This defines the type of endpoint you would like to start.
proxy_protocolStringThe version of PROXY protocol to use with this endpoint, empty if not using. Example values are 1 or 2.
urlA valid TCP address from ngrokbind the remote TCP address and port. These addresses can be reserved in the ngrok dashboard to use across sessions. For example: remote_addr:
traffic_policy.inbound.nameStringThe name of an inbound rule that is part of a traffic policy
traffic_policy.inbound.expressionsArray of StringsExpressions written using CEL that filter traffic the inbound policy rule applies to
traffic_policy.inbound.actions.typeStringThe type of action that should be executed when this inbound policy rule is activated
traffic_policy.inbound.actions.configcustomThe configuration required for the specific type of action specified
traffic_policy.outbound.nameStringThe name of an outbound rule that is part of a traffic policy
traffic_policy.outbound.expressionsArray of StringsExpressions written using CEL that filter traffic the outbound policy rule applies to
traffic_policy.outbound.actions.typeStringThe type of action that should be executed when this outbound policy rule is activated
traffic_policy.outbound.actions.configcustomThe configuration required for the specific type of action specified

TLS Configuration

mutual_tls_casValid system pathThe path to the TLS certificate authority to verify client certs for mutual TLS. You will also need to specify key and crt to enable mutual TLS.
crtValid system pathPEM TLS certificate at this path to terminate TLS traffic before forwarding locally. Requires --key to also be specified.
urlAny valid domain or hostname that you have previously registered with ngrok.The domain to request. If using a custom domain, this requires registering in the ngrok Dashboard and setting a DNS CNAME value. When using wildcard domains you will need to surround the value with single quotes (domain: '*').
ip_restriction.allow_cidrsArray of CIDRsRejects connections that do not match the given CIDRs
ip_restriction.deny_cidrsArray of CIDRsRejects connections that match the given CIDRs and allows all other CIDRs.
keyValid system pathPEM TLS private key at this path to terminate TLS traffic before forwarding locally. Requires --crt to also be specified.
policy.inbound.nameStringpolicy has been renamed to traffic_policy in agent version 3.14.0.
policy.inbound.expressionsArray of Stringspolicy has been renamed to traffic_policy in agent version 3.14.0.
policy.inbound.actions.typeStringpolicy has been renamed to traffic_policy in agent version 3.14.0.
policy.inbound.actions.configcustompolicy has been renamed to traffic_policy in agent version 3.14.0.
policy.outbound.nameStringpolicy has been renamed to traffic_policy in agent version 3.14.0.
policy.outbound.expressionsArray of Stringspolicy has been renamed to traffic_policy in agent version 3.14.0.
policy.outbound.actions.typeStringpolicy has been renamed to traffic_policy in agent version 3.14.0.
policy.outbound.actions.configcustompolicy has been renamed to traffic_policy in agent version 3.14.0.
prototlsThe endpoint protocol name. This defines the type of endpoint you would like to start.
proxy_protocolStringThe version of PROXY protocol to use with this endpoint, empty if not using. Example values are 1 or 2.
terminate_atedge, agent, or upstreamTerminate at ngrok edge, agent, or upstream. Defaults to upstream unless --crt or --key are present, in which case edge is the default.
traffic_policy.inbound.nameStringThe name of an inbound rule that is part of a traffic policy
traffic_policy.inbound.expressionsArray of StringsExpressions written using CEL that filter traffic the inbound policy rule applies to
traffic_policy.inbound.actions.typeStringThe type of action that should be executed when this inbound policy rule is activated
traffic_policy.inbound.actions.configcustomThe configuration required for the specific type of action specified
traffic_policy.outbound.nameStringThe name of an outbound rule that is part of a traffic policy
traffic_policy.outbound.expressionsArray of StringsExpressions written using CEL that filter traffic the outbound policy rule applies to
traffic_policy.outbound.actions.typeStringThe type of action that should be executed when this outbound policy rule is activated
traffic_policy.outbound.actions.configcustomThe configuration required for the specific type of action specified

Agent Configuration

The following is a list of fields nested under agent in your configuration file which customize the agent behavior.

api_keySpecifies the ngrok API key used to connect to the ngrok API. This is only needed when using the ngrok api command and should not be confused with the authtoken.
authtokenSpecifies the authentication token (authtoken) used to connect to the ngrok service.
connect_interfaceSet the specific network interface for ngrok to use. This is only supported on Linux platforms.
connect_timeoutHow long to wait when establishing an agent session connection to the ngrok service. The default is 10s.
console_uiEnable/disable the console UI
console_ui_colorSet the background color of the console UI
crl_noverifyDisables verifying Certificate Revocation List
dns_resolver_ipsConsult these DNS servers for tunnel session DNS resolution.
heartbeat_intervalHow often the ngrok agent should heartbeat to the ngrok servers defined as a duration. Default is 10s.
heartbeat_toleranceReconnect the agent tunnel session if the server does not respond to a heartbeat within this tolerance defined as a duration. Default is 15s.
inspect_db_sizeThe size in bytes of the upper limit on memory to allocate to save requests over HTTP tunnels for inspection and replay.
log_levelLogging level of detail. In increasing order of verbosity, possible values are: crit, warn, error, info, and debug.
log_formatFormat of written log records.
logWrite logs to this target destination.
metadataOpaque, user-supplied string that will be returned as part of the ngrok API response to the list online sessions resource for all endpoints started by this agent.
proxy_urlURL of an HTTP or SOCKS5 proxy to use for establishing the tunnel connection.
remote_managementSet this to true to allow the ngrok agent to be remotely managed (stop, restart, update). Defaults to true.
root_casThe root certificate authorities used to validate the TLS connection to the ngrok server.
connect_urlThis is the URL of the ngrok server to connect to. You should only set this if you are using a custom ingress URL.
endpointsA map of names to endpoint definitions. See endpoint configurations for more details.
update_channelThe update channel determines the stability of released builds to update to. Use stable for all production deployments.
update_checkThis tells the ngrok agent if it should check for updates. Defaults to true.
web_addrNetwork address to bind on for serving the local web interface and api.
web_allow_hostsHost headers to allow access for on the local web interface and api, can be a combination of IP's, CIDR ranges, and/or hostname suffixes.


This option specifies the API key used to access the ngrok API through the ngrok api command. This is only needed when using the ngrok API and not the local ngrok agent API (available at localhost:4040/api). You can generate an API Key in the ngrok Dashboard and install it using the ngrok config add-api-key command.

ngrok.yml specifying an API key
api_key: 24yRd5U3DestCQapJrrVHLOqiAC_7RviwRqpd3wc9dKLujQZN


This option specifies the authentication token (sometimes called tunnel credential) used to authenticate this agent when it connects to the ngrok service. After you've created an ngrok account, your dashboard will display the authtoken assigned to your account.

Your authtoken will work on multiple machines if you are just developing. When you want to deploy many agents on many devices, you can generate a unique authtoken for each device in the ngrok Dashboard or via the ngrok api credentials command.

ngrok.yml specifying an authtoken
authtoken: 4nq9771bPxe8ctg7LKr_2ClH7Y15Zqe4bWLWF9p


Sets the specific network interface that the ngrok agent should use. This is only supported on Linux platforms.


How long to wait when establishing an agent session connection to the ngrok service. This is specified as a duration, with the default being 10s.


This option allows you to enable or disable the console UI that is displayed in your terminal window after starting ngrok.

trueEnable the console UI
falseDisable the console UI
ifttydefaultEnable the UI only if standard out is a TTY (not a file or pipe)


The command sets the background color when displaying the console UI in the terminal. To choose a color other than black, set the value to transparent and change the background of your terminal window.

transparentDon't set a background color when displaying the console UI
blackdefaultSet the console UI's background to black


This option will skip verifying with the Certificate Revocation List if set to true. This defaults to false.


Consult these DNS servers for tunnel session DNS resolution. By default, the ngrok agent will use the local system DNS servers to resolve.


How often the ngrok agent should heartbeat to the ngrok servers defined as a duration. The default is 10s.


Reconnect the agent tunnel session if the server does not respond to a heartbeat within this tolerance defined as a duration. The default is 15s.


This is the upper limit in bytes on memory to allocate when saving requests over HTTP endpoints for inspection and reply. The default is 0, which means 50MB.

positive integerssize in bytes of the upper limit on memory to allocate to save requests over HTTP endpoints for inspection and replay.
0defaultuse the default allocation limit, 50MB
-1disable the inspection database; this has the effective behavior of disabling inspection for all tunnels


This is the logging level of detail. In increasing order of verbosity, possible values are: crit, warn, error, info, and debug.


This is the format of written log records.

logfmthuman and machine friendly key/value pairs
jsonnewline-separated JSON objects
termdefaultcustom colored human format if standard out is a TTY, otherwise same as logfmt


This is the destination where ngrok should write the logs.

stdoutwrite to standard out
stderrwrite to standard error
falsedefaultdisable logging
other valueswrite log records to file path on disk
log: /var/log/ngrok.log


This is a user-supplied custom string that will be returned as part of the ngrok API response to the list online sessions resource for all endpoints started by this agent. This is a useful mechanism to identify endpoints by your own device or customer identifier. Maximum 4096 characters.

metadata: bad8c1c0-8fce-11e4-b4a9-0800200c9a66


This is the URL of an HTTP or SOCKS5 proxy to use for establishing the tunnel connection. Many HTTP proxies have connection size and duration limits that will cause ngrok to fail. Like many other networking tools, ngrok will also respect the environment variable http_proxy and http_proxy_env if it is set.


Set this to true to allow the ngrok agent to be remotely managed (stop, restart, update) via the ngrok API or the ngrok Dashboard. Defaults to true.


This is the root certificate authorities used to validate the TLS connection to the ngrok server.

trusteddefaultuse only the trusted certificate root for the tunnel service
hostuse the root certificates trusted by the host's operating system. This is helpful for working with machine-in-the-middle (MITM) proxies doing deep packet inspection (DPI).
other valuespath to a certificate PEM file on disk with certificate authorities to trust


This is the URL of the ngrok server to connect to. You should set this if you are using a custom ingress URL.


The update channel determines the stability of released builds to update to. Use 'stable' for all production deployments.

stabledefaultThese are builds that are ready to be used in production.
unstableupdate to new nightly builds when available which could be broken. This should not be used in production.
betaupdate to new beta builds when available which could be broken. This should not be used in production.


This tells the ngrok agent if it should check for updates. Defaults to true.


This is the network address to bind on for serving the local agent web interface and API.

Network addressBind to this network address network address
falsedisable the web UI


These are a list of specifiers for what Host headers will be allowed to make requests agains the local agent web interface and API. Any port is stripped off the Host header before matching is performed.

Allow stringExample Host headers that would match
defaultrequests to localhost-bound web interface or API endpoints are checked to have a localhost-like Host (localhost,, ::1, etc.) IP matches Host header (
1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8an IPv6 matches Host header (1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8) CIDR range matches a Host header that is an IP address in that range ( or
1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8/16a CIDR range matches a Host header that is an IPv6 address in that range (1:2:3:4:5:6:7:0)
example.coma hostname without preceding period will match Host header exactly (
.example.coma hostname with a preceding period Host header suffix ( or
Allow an IP address and a domain as Host headers